This section used to have a lot of technical info about my various cameras, but alas these days it is hard to find anywhere that can process slides or black and white film . . . and phone cameras are now so good.
Younger generations stare in disbelief when I tell them that in the 1970s-80s on domestic flights in Australia plastic lined bags were provided where you filled out your details and enclosed your holiday camera rolls to be developed by Kodak and collected in a week's time. These bags also doubled as air-sick bags, leading to many jokes about the contents potentially received by the developers at Kodak . . .
Strange but true! :)
My great passion is infra-red landscape photography. I started out in 2010 with a filter that attached to the front of my Canon camera - this is tricky, as you have to guess the focus, and use a remote switch to minimise camera shake.
In 2012 I bought a Canon 550D and sent it to LivePixel in the USA to get the internal filter converted to infra-red. It's getting on now, but I still use this as my specialist infra-red.
I particularly like the way that infra-red can be processed to look like a slightly unusual black & white photo - it makes one see the world in a different light.
You are welcome to purchase any of the photos on this site. They are available on archival paper/canvas in a range of finishes and sizes to suit your taste - just email me via the Contact page for a quote.
I also welcome your comments/feedback, and hope you enjoy the images I have created.
Arlette Mercae